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formerly West Alabama Women's Center

(205) 556-2026

In-office or telehealth appointments

formerly West Alabama Women's Center


Pregnancy Confirmation, Prenatal Care & Complications

WAWC provides pregnancy verification for those seeking to apply for Medicaid and prenatal care for those seeking a doctor. We also offer miscarriage management for those with non-viable pregnancies, including ectopic pregnancies and missed miscarriages. If you are pregnant and experiencing bleeding or other indications of a poor pregnancy outcome, we are here for you.
WAWC does NOT provide elective abortions.


Pregnancy Confirmation, Prenatal Care & Complications

WAWC provides pregnancy verification for those seeking to apply for Medicaid and prenatal care for those seeking a doctor. We also offer miscarriage management for those with non-viable pregnancies, including ectopic pregnancies and missed miscarriages. If you are pregnant and experiencing bleeding or other indications of a poor pregnancy outcome, we are here for you. WAWC does NOT provide elective abortions.

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In-office or telehealth appointments

We accept Medicaid, Medicare, Plan First, and some private insurances. For uninsured individuals, we offer care at a reduced fee.

About Us

WAWC offers resources available for anyone planning to stay pregnant, seek an abortion, parent, or consider adoption.

WAWC offers pregnancy verification for Medicaid applicants, prenatal care, and miscarriage management, including ectopic and missed miscarriages, while providing support for pregnant individuals experiencing complications. We do not offer elective abortions. 
Woman patient in green shirt lying on hospital clinic bed.

Our Pledge to Pregnant People

The state of Alabama has banned nearly all abortions. While we at West Alabama Women’s Center strongly believe that EVERY pregnancy poses harm to a patient’s health and life and that no person should be forced to continue a pregnancy or give birth against their will, Alabama law prevents pregnant people from obtaining an abortion to protect their health or life in nearly all instances.  

We also know that the state of Alabama has a variety of ways of criminalizing a pregnant person. Our number one mission is to ensure ALL pregnant people have as much access to life-saving care as possible. As such, these are our commitments to pregnant people.

Pregnancy is a health care issue and all people benefit from seeing a doctor as soon as they can. If you are pregnant we can confirm your pregnancy, obtain an ultrasound for an accurate gestational age, and begin prenatal care. If you are uninsured, this will allow you to begin the process to apply for Medicaid and obtain a doctor for follow up prenatal care and delivery. Although we cannot deliver babies, we will continue to provide prenatal care for you until you find a doctor who will take over your care if that is what you choose. If you do not plan to continue the pregnancy, this ultrasound can help you determine your timeline and options should you choose to terminate.

In the rare case that an abortion ends in complications, obtaining follow-up care in Alabama can be difficult. As such we promise that if you have had an abortion – however and wherever that may have occurred – we will see you to help ensure your complication is addressed. This option is available whether you had medication abortion or a procedural one and whether it was done by a doctor or self-managed. We will NOT ask medically unnecessary questions about your abortion, we will not turn you away because you had one, and we will do everything within our power to ensure that your decision stays private and confidential. You deserve health services without fear of arrest.

It is believed that as many as 20% of all pregnancies end in miscarriage, yet the ability to manage miscarriages is severely hampered in Alabama. If you believe your pregnancy is not progressing properly – either because of bleeding, lack of pregnancy symptoms, or for other reasons – we will provide you with an exam and determine if you are in the process of miscarrying. Should you meet the criteria for a non-viable pregnancy, we will provide medical intervention without requiring you to risk your health waiting for the miscarriage to finish on its own. We will NOT ask questions to see if you may have instigated or attempted to initiate this miscarriage.

We will provide you with necessary medical care regardless of your past or current medical history or any other concerns that may cause other medical providers to turn you away. We want to reduce the maternal mortality and morbidity rate in this state, and our number one goal is to ensure your health is protected to the greatest degree allowed under Alabama law.

Resources for Abortion, Adoption and Parenting Assistance

All Options Talk-Line – Fact-based, non-judgemental, non-coercive counseling without stigma or religious agenda.

Friends in Adoption – all options counseling  – tool for find your closest available legal abortion provider – guide that provides information regarding medication abortion and how it can be accessed from Alabama

Red State Access – support and assistance for those who specifically live in states that have banned abortion, like Alabama.

Repro Legal Helpline – legal support hotline for those who manage their own medication abortion

M+A Hotline – text or phone support with medical advice for those managing their own miscarriage or abortion

Online Abortion Resource Squad – Online, 24-7 abortion support and information via OARS through Reddit

Reminder: West Alabama Women’s Center does not perform elective abortions and does not encourage anyone to obtain abortions that do not adhere to Alabama law. West Alabama Women’s Center does provide care to any person who is experiencing a pregnancy complication of any type and who requires medical assistance.

Alabama Medicaid application

Maternity care coordination services

Information on subsidized childcare

Alabama family assistance programs

Yellowhammer Fund

Noire Adoption – making adoption easier for Black and biracial families

Friends in Adoption – a non-judgemental, licensed, non-religiously affiliated non-profit adoption agency

Our Pledge to Pregnant People

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